About Adventures in Service by George C. F. Pringle

The reprint of book by Rev. George C.F. Pringle (1873-1946) contains an introduction by Diana m Davidson which includes the history of his son Rev. George Robert Pringle( 1913-1943). Both were remarkable people. The elder was a missionary to remote water access logging camps and small landholdings. His was a simple message of forgiveness and helping your neighbour delivered in some tough circumstances. He had a real love of people; all people. His perceptions re the situation of women living in isolation in small land holdings is very unusual for the times, as was he. A camp still running in Shawnigan Lake was named for him and his son. His son continues to be honoured by an annual bursary administered by UBC, a lake is named for him and the old and soon to be rebuilt high school in West Bank (West Kelowna) is named for him. Both of these men provide counter examples to the reported horrible behavior of some missionaries and of some men.; both of which have received wide publicity. This book provides a balance to those reports. In addition it gives very interesting and important insights into how hard the lives of many of the new-comers to this country were.